About Us

“We are a science and engineering company aimed to develop specific technologies in effort to help protect life and nature on our planet. We believe that our innovation, driven by our inspiration to achieve, remains the critical lever of success for SuperSkinSystems™ in all parts of our business and at all times enables us to endeavor and attain our worthwhile short-term and long-term growth goals.”

Our Goal:

Our company is committed to delivering sustainable and long-term innovative developments in chemistry and advanced engineering through the power of science and technology. It is our goal to provide application specific protection systems to all people around the world who are threatened by destructive forces. We recognize the importance of our responsibility to create efficient and effective safety solutions for the preservation of life on our planet. From our research facilities to our manufacturing plants, we are determined to produce the highest in quality of materials and products using human ingenuity to full-fill our goals.

Our People:

Turning imaginative ideas into leading technology products takes people. Our innovative world depends on it, from our scientists and engineers to our manufacturing workers, we are driven by inspiration. Our business strategy is built upon employee communication and collaborative cohesive teamwork…it is our culture. We promote forward thinking, reward ingenuity and simply help each other across all levels of the company. We believe it is vital to learn from each other in effort to strengthen our common goals, in business as well as in our personal lives. Together, seamless in our culture, our under-lying force is forged by our collective leadership. Our commitment to taking on worldwide challenges is driven by our people, inspired by making a difference, and yielding us with a unique set of capabilities.

Our Present:

Today, SuperSkinSystem’s super-polymers are found in many demanding high performance arenas. Our BlastSkin™ formulation is used extensively in military applications, ranging from protecting important government buildings from explosion damage to protecting our manned armed forces in the battlefield with anti-ballistic anti-shrapnel panels. It is used commercially in areospace, marine and civil environments such as by protecting police and law enforcement agencies against violent exposive threats. BlastSkin’s extreme physical properties render it our most versatile and adaptable super-polymer chemistry applicable to diverse protection applications.

Another more unique super-polymer formulation is FireSkin™. This material, with no-smoke, no-burn and no flame characteristics, makes it a premier resource in fire protection applications. FireSkin is used primarily in speciality and building applications where it is applied to structural surfaces which may be directly exposed to flame. Creating protective safety environments for humans, animals and nature is its primary directive. Uses include deployable fire barrier systems, modular building blocks, mobile structures, hazardous containers and specialily shielding systems for schools and apartments. FireSkin’s fire defense applications utilize the super-polymer in permanent and emergency mobile installations. FireSkin’s distinctive chemistry permits its use in corrosion resistant environments and sensitive safety areas which require non-toxic emmisions and zero hazardous gaseous by-products thus passing toxicological fire code standards.

One of the toughest SuperSkinSystem’s super-polymers is StormSkin™. It delivers high strength, elastomeric resillency, impact resistance and weather protection. It is used primarily in commercial and residential building construction to provide structural protection against induced forces from extreme winds, tornadic pressures and impinging surge waters. By integrating StormSkin sheathing panels to a structure’s framework or by adding the super-polymer directly to existing structural surfaces, the structure’s load bearing capacity will be increased. Field Applied Bonding (FAB) is used to seam adjoining panels and skin over exposed weak areas to produce a unitzed monolithic netted skin around the structure effectively retaining components together during the storm’s assault.

Our Future:

We combine our vision and our passion to develop innovative products dedicated to globally build a safer planet. Our strategy encompasses responsiblity and accountability to aid in providing solutions against world danger and destructive encounters. We will direct the utilization of our super-polymer technologies to far-reaching applications to bring about important change. Our promise and our goal are to continue to deliver excellence in chemistry and engineering to create protection solutions throughout our world. Superskinsystems will continue to be a global presence in military, aerospace, industrial, commercial and residential industries. Our non-compromising passion and ingenuity to make a sustainable difference in global safety and preservation is our future. We commit to deliver long-standing spirit of innovation and unique engineering solutions to take on the tough challenges we face for our protected future. We will continue to build operational excellence throughout our company and appraoch our responsibilities with leadership and care as it stands as the foundation of our business and the success of our culture.